Gaëlle BUSWEL: a fulfilled artist and mother!

- Categories: Band of the month

Hello Gaëlle, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions! We don't need to introduce you anymore at Distrolution Merch, you had already had the opportunity to do so through a previous interview.

This time, we wanted to talk with you about the stage aspect, touring, and upcoming projects, since, as you so well said in concluding our previous exchange: "See you on stage! This is where everything happens ;)".

Photo by Christophe Losberger

Some artists prefer to release records, only have a digital presence... while others live for the stage. Can we say that this is clearly your case?

Yes, the stage is essential for me and this is where everything happens! You can't cheat with live performances, this is where the music sweats, where it's lived and truly shared.

You became a Mom a few months ago. Congratulations! How do you manage to balance your role as an artist and your role as a Mom, while being on tour?

And yes :) And to my greatest happiness, we have a wonderful baby with my partner, and my baby inspires me every day and more and more. I admit, I thought it was going to be a bit complicated at first, but in the end no, everything is going well and everything is really compatible. It's definitely an organization, but she has golden grandparents who take care of her wonderfully when we're on tour. I love these two lives. She's immersed in music with us.

When you go somewhere with a baby, it's like going on tour, you're loaded haha! But here, you swap your guitar and amp for a stroller and a diaper bag, so it doesn't change much from usual lol.

Tell us about your first comeback concert after the arrival of your daughter. I imagine there was a special emotion.

Oh yes, because first, you learn to rediscover your voice and your body, you have to rebuild your strength, control your postpartum fatigue with hormones settling down, you can quickly become very emotional, cry easily, laugh easily.... it's crazy lol. But emotionally, this comeback was fabulous and I was eager to get back on stage.

I feel much more at peace when I sing now, with a little less stress. There's still the same adrenaline rush, but I believe this little happiness that was missing from my life brings something extremely positive to my career, to music, and to my life.... It's certain that on the first date when you travel far, you ask yourself a thousand questions about how your baby is doing, the feeling of missing them is there and develops a different emotion.

You opened again for Billy F Gibbons a few weeks ago at L'Olympia. How did your paths cross?

And yes, another joy this summer lol. We met thanks to our common tour promoter Gérard Drouot Productions in 2019 and as Billy's team really liked our live performances with them, we went back with them for this Olympia show.

Playing in front of so many people and alongside renowned artists... I imagine there's a particular pressure. Do you have a little ritual before going on stage?

Ah yes, the pressure is always double, even triple because it's an audience that doesn't know us and we want to honor the groups we're playing for. It's always a lot of concentration and I need to do a lot of relaxation breathing before and then, we throw ourselves into the arena and off we go :)

You're back since May with "Live At Abbey Road Studios", an album, as its name suggests, recorded live at Abbey Road Studios. Tell us about this experience!

It was grandiose!!!!! I wish all independent artists could experience this once in their lifetime. It's legendary, there's an incredible energy emanating from these studios. Every corner of the room makes you think of a documentary or a song by these pop pioneers who passed through there. It was an honor.

During the first song, no one was talking. We were super focused, I felt like I was recording for the first time. Plus, we had Chris Booster at the controls, who has recorded the Foo Fighters, Paul McCartney... It was crazy! It's always hard to find the words, even a few years after this recording.

I imagine that in terms of composition, there must have been a shake-up there too. Has the arrival of your daughter given you a new source of inspiration and if so, can we expect a new album soon?

Yes, a lot of inspiration, and it's strange. Where I thought I would have less time, it has actually given me more than before. I rewrite much more easily, a new source of inspiration has arrived but I assure you, not everything revolves around the baby lol. But yes, new compositions are in the works.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, we'll let you have the final word for our readers!

Thank youuuu and see you soon on stage!!

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