After a successful crowdfunding campaign, reaching over 120% of its goal in just a few weeks, the French metal band Dizorder is proud to unveil its first album, "SKY//LIGHT", now available in physical and digital versions. To learn more about the band's latest news, we invite you to check out our interview below!
© Juliette Plachez
Hello, Dizorder! Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! Can you quickly introduce your band to our readers?
Hello to the whole team!
After a first EP "MOON PHASES" in October 2018, we're presenting our first album SKY//LIGHT on December 11, 2020. Our style is uncompromising and deviates from the omnipresent lyricism among bands with female vocalists in France.
After revealing our first tracks on the Parisian stage opening for Silverstein (Post-Hardcore), then sharing the stage with Zuul-FX, Smash Hit Combo, we opened the doors to a France-Spain tour in summer 2019!
Driven by the melodies and brutal screams of our singer Chloé, we offer modern metal that shakes things up by stepping out of traditional comfort zones, with versatile influences such as trip-hop and deep-house.
At the crossroads between Deftones or Northlane, "DIZORDER" represents the triggering element; the one that makes us switch from stable to unstable, from love to hate, and stands out with tortured tracks that are eloquent in their rhythmic efficiency
You've just finished a crowdfunding campaign for the release of your album, "SKY//LIGHT". Did you expect this campaign to be such a success?
Yes and no. We've been working on this campaign for over a year to offer rewards that aren't tied to a band's technical imperatives. In other words, we refused to use fans' money for the production of the album. We find that inappropriate and totally at odds with our values.
The money raised is therefore intended to place fans at the heart of the artistic project. It's this criterion that led us to believe the campaign would be a hit.
The COVID context pushed back our schedule, and we had to launch our campaign in the fall of 2020, facing (too) many other crowdfunding campaigns.
It remains a huge success, and raising 2000€ to push our first album even further is an intense and unprecedented satisfaction in DIZORDER's history. A big thank you to all the kissbankers!
Before the release of your album, you revealed your single, "SOUL//LESS", featuring Matteo Gelsomino. How did this collaboration go?
This collaboration went very well, in a completely natural way since Chloé took singing lessons with Mattéo. It's the result of a discussion between friends, so!
Speaking of the new album, can you introduce "SKY//LIGHT" in a few words?
SKY//LIGHT is a retrospective of the ills of the modern world and invites the listener into an escapist universe. It asks the question: "What remains of humanity?" For us five, it's the logical continuation of Moon Phases.
How does your writing process usually unfold?
To be honest, we usually started with a musical skeleton on which we laid text. SKY//LIGHT allowed us to shake up our habits, which were sometimes too constraining as they prevented a form of freedom in the phrasing and melody of the vocals. Today, we manage to reverse this process by creating around a topline that is effective on its own.
The writing is driven by everyone, whether it's on the rhythmic level, the homogeneity of the sound, or its melody. This has the advantage of reinforcing cohesion and smoothing out the universe we want to give to DIZORDER around a multitude of influences.
For its release, you called on us for the production of your merchandise (CDs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, goodies...). Can you talk about your experience with Distrolution Merch?
Perfect, Distrolution Merch positions itself as an absolutely strategic player because it
- Is cheaper than its competitors
- Offers quality merch (Beechfield etc.)
- Offers a wide range of textiles and goodies
- Supports and adapts to the band's needs
- Is rigorously efficient in fulfilling requests
- Is ultra-responsive to messages and expectations
In general, is there a particular merch item that you consider especially important? If so, which one?
The Hoodie is truly the item sought after by French consumers. We know it, we feel it because we are consumers ourselves. It remains the most imposing clothing piece for a brand, in our opinion (in addition to a cap for the summer).
To conclude this interview, can we talk about your future projects?
Expanding internationally is our group's challenge for 2021.