Reading time: 3 mins.
Social media can help you boost your online sales, but you need to do more than just mention your merch!
Don't hesitate to advertise your merch from time to time, everyone does it and it allows your fans to know that you have merchandise available for them! This will increase visits to your online store and bring in a nice income during these difficult times for all bands. We often hesitate to do it as artists, but your fanbase is often ready to support you in one way or another, without labeling you as opportunistic!
We have gathered three tried and tested tips for your online sales.
1. Timely discounts
Vacations are obvious, right? But don't forget to consider certain specific items to make sales at these precise moments of the year. If you have tote bags, why not offer a discount for back-to-school throughout the month of August? Tank tops and light t-shirts could be included in a special summer offer, and hoodies and beanies could be suitable for a post-Christmas sale in January. It's also a good way to clear out your stock when you only have a few pieces of a model left.
You can also make special "lockdown" discounts to show the world that you're thinking of your fans during these tough times.
And, of course, for discount coupons, be sure to take into account the production cost to ensure you don't lose money. Also think about shipping costs!
2. Limited edition and online-only specialty items
Music lovers are often collectors too. Highlighting the exclusivity of an item could make it even more attractive to some. You can feature certain items that will only be available online, emphasizing their limited availability and offering them exclusively in your store. Tour posters and vinyl pressings are ideal for this scenario. If you want to go further, partner with an artist for a small (exclusive!) batch of T-shirts or posters. Even better if the artist has a large following, of course. Make a beautiful vinyl for the release of a new album, available in very few units, maybe even signed! Appeal to collector souls even if you're a small, little-known band, let them seize the opportunity to have this album "now or never". If you have a designer in your band or someone who will create a special logo, take advantage of it to print it on a sweatshirt or t-shirt that will thus become a collector's item, it's perfect. And it also works with a limited edition sweatshirt with your new album cover on it.
3. Bundle offers
Selling multiple items together - a t-shirt and a CD, for example, at an attractive price as a bundle - is an excellent way to offer a slight discount and move your stock faster. Offering a free EP or another less expensive item with the purchase of a more costly item like a vinyl record also encourages buyers to fill their virtual carts instead of buying just one item.
This concludes our article. Don't hesitate to ask us for advice on the subject! Share this article on social media if it has been useful to you or if you think your musician friends might need it too.